
Project Map

View the enrolled and completed projects map for a look at OR-MEP’s reach across Oregon. Visit our case studies page to learn more about new construction and existing building projects participating in the program.

Resident Education Resources

The OR-MEP team developed a series of resident education pieces for property managers to implement at their rental properties to help residents reduce energy use. These resources are designed to raise awareness about energy efficiency in a practical and relatable format. View the resources below:

Note: The OR-MEP Energy Guide for Residents is provided as a template below. If you’re a resident or manage a property that has participated in OR-MEP, you can request a customized guide by completing our order form here. The guide provides tips and best practices for residents about the new energy efficient equipment installed in their homes with support from OR-MEP.

OR-MEP Energy Guide for Residents (Template)

Resident Energy Savings Competition

How to Use Portland General Electric’s Energy Tracker

How to Use Pacific Power’s Energy Usage Function

Savings That Count Fact Sheet

Children’s Activity Booklet