Apply for Incentives

Projects can apply for OR-MEP incentives during Open Enrollment phases once every six months.

Open Enrollment Status

Man sitting inside office on computer

Enrollment is currently OPEN. OR-MEP is accepting applications for funding through Friday, August 30, 2024.

We encourage project teams to apply in the current round if your project will meet the following prerequisites:

  • Project will finalize development of energy efficiency scope to reserve incentives within 6 months of Open Enrollment selection.
  • Project will start construction or upgrades within 18 months of Open Enrollment selection.

View the Open Enrollment 2024-Round 2 (2024-R2) Application and Application Guide to get started. The Application Guide details the key updates in Open Enrollment 2024-Round 2 compared to the last round in early 2024.

Applications must be submitted no later than Friday, August 30, 2024 at 5:00 PM PT. Any application submitted after this time will not be evaluated. Completed Open Enrollment Applications should be submitted via email to:

Application Support

OR-MEP Open Enrollment Webinar 2024-R2 (July 24, 2024)

This webinar reviewed the new Open Enrollment process and included a walkthrough of the Open Enrollment application. To view the application walkthrough, start the video at 33:38.

How OR-MEP Reviews Applications

OR-MEP offers a competitive Open Enrollment process with criteria that the program team developed with input from the OR-MEP Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Coalition. OR-MEP will review and rank applications based on the following scoring categories. The program will offer funding to applications with the highest total scores. Applicants can receive points in the following categories:

Category Max Total Points % of Points
BIPOC (Community + Residents) 10 27%
High Priority Area Index (Energy Burden) 5 14%
Location Relative to Available Resources (Rural) 10 27%
Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing (NOAH) 5 14%
Serving Households with Very Low Incomes 5 14%
Non-Profit/Housing Authority 2 5%

If you’re not ready to apply for OR-MEP funding, submit an interest form to tell us more about your project. We’ll add you to the OR-MEP email list so you receive notice of all Open Enrollment phases.

Open Enrollment Calendar

OR-MEP will release $14 million of funding over five years from 2023–2027. The table below lists the anticipated schedule of Open Enrollment release dates and funding availability.

Open Enrollment Round Date of Open Enrollment Release Date of Open Enrollment Close Funding Availability Estimated Units to Serve
2023-R1 (Completed)
View Selected Projects
July 12, 2023 Aug 28, 2023 $2,500,000 825 units
2024-R1 (Completed)
View Selected Projects
Jan 15, 2024 Mar 1, 2024 $2,500,000 825 units
2024-R2 July 15, 2024 Aug 30, 2024 $1,750,000 575 units
2025-R1 Jan 15, 2025 Mar 1, 2025 $1,750,000 575 units
2025-R2 July 15, 2025 Aug 31, 2025 $1,300,000 425 units
2026-R1 Jan 15, 2026 Mar 1, 2026 $1,300,000 425 units
2026-R2 July 15, 2026 Aug 31, 2026 $1,300,000 425 units
2027-R1 Jan 15, 2027 Mar 1, 2027 $800,000 275 units
2027-R2 July 15, 2027 Aug 31, 2027 $800,000 275 units
TOTAL     $14,000,000 4,625 units

Open Enrollment release dates updated as of October 12, 2023.