Oregon Multifamily Energy Program

Announcing OR-MEP Open Enrollment 2024 Round 2 Selected Projects

woman in office using laptop computer

Thank you to all the project teams who applied for funding during 2024 Round 2 (2024-R2) OR-MEP Open Enrollment.

OR-MEP received 39 applications for funding in 2024-R2 Open Enrollment that closed on August 30, 2024.

With $2.8 million in funding available this round, 24 projects were selected from 16 organizations for OR-MEP funding based on the competitive scoring process. OR-MEP allocated funding between four categories as follows:

Project Type/Utility Pacific Power Service Area Portland General Electric Service Area Total
New Construction $488,000 $580,000 $1,068,000
Existing Building $975,000 $722,000 $1,697,000
Total $1,463,000 $1,302,000 $2,765,000

There are more projects seeking OR-MEP funding than the program’s budget will be able to serve. In July 2023, OR-MEP launched a competitive Open Enrollment process in collaboration with the OR-MEP Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Coalition.

Open Enrollment intends to distribute funds more equitably to benefit residents who are navigating low income, people of color, those who are disproportionately impacted by high energy burden, those for whom English is not their first language, and those living in rural communities.

After 2024-R1, the program team worked with the DEI Coalition to revise some of the Open Enrollment criteria. The revisions aimed to better account for differences between rural and non-rural areas, evaluate the influence of BIPOC Culturally Specific Organizations (CSO) on the project, and BIPOC Culturally Responsive Organizations (CRO) in rural areas. A full summary of updates for 2024-R2 is available in the Open Enrollment 2024-R2 Application Guide.

Yes, the new criteria made selection more likely for projects that are serving rural residents, residents navigating very low incomes, and residents at properties partnering with or owned by BIPOC CSO or BIPOC CRO. Selected projects include:

  • 12 projects in rural communities (50% of selected projects)
  • 7 projects serving residents navigating very low incomes (30% of selected projects)
  • 7 projects partnering with or owned by BIPOC Culturally Specific Organizations (30% of selected projects)
  • 7 projects are owned by BIPOC Culturally Responsive Organizations (30% of selected projects)
  • 13 projects in communities with a high priority area index score of 3 or higher, indicating very high energy burden (54% of selected projects)

Note, some selected projects have more than one of the above characteristics.

The following four charts detail the projects selected in 2024-R2 within each set aside category.

Pacific Power Existing Building (9 Selected Projects)

Project Name Applicant Organization Location Number of Units
Ash Street Stark Firs Properties Portland 47
Coddington Place Apartments Umpqua Community Development Corporation Coosbay 10
Crestview Commons  RK Holdings Klamath Falls 64
Hillside Terrace Apartments Umpqua Community Development Corporation Coquille 39
Jefferson Park Apartments Umpqua Community Development Corporation Cottage Grove 53
Majestic Gardens – Redmond Triangle Chrisman Development, Inc. Redmond 24
Myrtle Terrace Apartments Umpqua Community Development Corporation Myrtle Creek 20
Ochoco Manor Apartments Lee Pacific Properties, Inc. Prineville 28
Stagecoach Apartments Umpqua Community Development Corporation Canyonville 40


Pacific Power New Construction (4 Selected Projects)

Project Name Applicant Organization Location Number of Units
Carson Commons Polk Community Development Corporation Dallas 20
Clara Vista Redevelopment Phase 2 Hacienda CDC Portland 108
Spruce Street Apartments Evergreen Community Partners Corvallis 50
Talent 2 Senior Housing Silver Dollar Legacy LLC Talent 26

Portland General Electric Existing Building (8 Selected Projects)

Project Name Applicant Organization Location Number of Units
Barrier Free Integrated Support for Living Salem 6
Colonia Libertad Phase 1 Rehabilitation Farmworker Housing Development Corp. Salem 48
Fisher Apartments Integrated Support for Living Salem 6
Orchard Park Apartments Salem Housing Authority Salem 224
Pacific Ct George Bitrous Gresham 28
Peyton Plaza Stark Firs Properties Portland 24
Sierra West Bienestar Hillsboro 56
Sizemore Apartments Integrated Support for Living Salem 6

Portland General Electric New Construction (3 Selected Projects)

Project Name Applicant Organization Location Number of Units
Brynhill Apartments Evergreen Community Partners North Plains 60
Elmonica Station Apartments REACH Community Development Beaverton 81
Grand Fir II Equity Developers LLC Salem 72

The selected projects are located throughout Pacific Power and Portland General Electric territory, as shown in the maps below.

The chart below shows the average application scores by utility territory and project type (i.e., existing building or new construction). The average score for all selected projects in 2024-R2 was 20.5 out of a total possible 37 points.

The following charts show average scores for selected projects in each of the prioritization criteria categories.

OR-MEP Open Enrollment 2024-R2 Selected Projects Average Scores

Prioritization Criteria Pacific Power Existing Buildings Pacific Power
New Construction
Portland General Electric Existing Buildings Portland General Electric New Construction
Project is in a BIPOC community 2.3 3.5 4.8 4.3
Project is primarily serving BIPOC residents 2.0 2.8 1.3 3.0
Project’s High Priority Index Score (Energy Burden) 3.4 4.0 5.0 3.7
Project location relative to available resources 9.0 7.8 4.3 6.0
Project is a Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing (NOAH) 1.1 0.0 1.3 0.0
Project is serving households with very low incomes 1.4 1.8 1.3 2.3
Non-profit or housing authority 1.1 2.0 1.5 1.3
Total Average Score 20.4 21.8 19.3 20.7
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