Oregon Multifamily Energy Program (OR-MEP) recently released new Energy Modeling Guidelines. The Energy Modeling Guidelines describe the modeling requirements for projects pursuing the Whole Building Path for both Existing Building and New Construction projects, and serve as supplement to the OHCS Multifamily Energy Program Manual. The Whole Building Path, which is designed for projects interested in comprehensive energy upgrades, awards incentives based on energy savings calculations which are completed by an independent third-party Energy Consultant through an approved energy modeling software. The Energy Modeling Guidelines are based on best practices and, where applicable, align with regional and national industry accepted practices including:
- Energy Trust of Oregon’s New Buildings Program Technical Guidelines
- Northwest Modeling Requirements
- ENERGY STAR Multifamily New Construction Program Simulation Guidelines-Appendix G 90.1-2016
- ASHRAE 90.1-2016 Appendix G
The Energy Modeling Guidelines are primarily targeted for use by Energy Consultants developing energy models. The intent of these guidelines is to ensure consistent modeling practices using baseline assumptions and proposed design conditions to result in consistent savings estimates across all projects participating in OR-MEP.