Oregon Multifamily Energy Program

Search for Energy Saving Treasures at Your Multifamily Property

The United States Environmental Protection Agency’s ENERGY STAR® Treasure Hunt campaign is a collaborative quest to uncover ways to improve energy efficiency and reveal untapped potential for energy savings at your properties. The Energy Treasure Map is a checklist for multifamily housing offers property managers the opportunity to evaluate their buildings and identify areas for energy improvements.

The checklist is broken down into several categories that property managers can use to easily navigate to areas of interest. The checklist is customizable to fit the needs of each individual property and includes the following categories:

  • Property Management and Maintenance Teams
  • Common Areas
    • Lighting
    • Building Envelope
    • Equipment/Plug Loads (If Applicable)
    • HVAC
    • Advanced HVAC
  • Resident Units
    • Vacant and Model Units

Property managers can quickly record notes on location, tools, materials, or expertise needed in the notes section of the checklist.

Properties that identify one or more opportunities to save can leverage the OR-MEP program to help fund their energy upgrades. Complete an interest form or email us to learn if the energy upgrades identified throughout your treasure hunt are a good fit for funding through OR-MEP.

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