Oregon Multifamily Energy Program

Training Webinar: Effective Ventilation Strategies

This training will provide multifamily building professionals and owners with the value proposition, benefits, and recommendations of adding energy efficient ventilation design into new construction and retrofit multifamily projects. Ventilation is required by code for new construction projects, and in existing buildings a retrofit opportunity to improve both indoor air quality and building durability. We will begin by reviewing industry accepted standards for multifamily ventilation. We will then highlight ventilation system in the market to meet these ventilation standards and organize them by equipment effectiveness, cost to install, and energy savings opportunities to maximize program incentives.

To view condensed training segments, the full training or PDF follow these links:

Training Segments 

Ventilation Strategies & Value Propositions

Ventilation Standards & Guides

Business Case for Prioritizing Systems

Full Training


OHCS_OR-MEP_Effective Ventilation Strategies – Full Training PDF

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